Alison Kysia is a Muslim woman artist who creates contemporary abstract Islamic sculpture & handmade functional pottery.
She designs socially engaged art projects to build community & connection.
She offers speaking engagements, maker workshops, and curation related to her expertise on Muslims, Islam & Islamophobia.
Her social media handle, @786arts, includes the numeric equivalent of Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem—In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful, the beginning phrase of all but one chapter of the Quran.
Al Musawwir: The Artist

Al Fatah: The One Who Opens the Opening

Al Fatiha: The Opening

Al Sami: The One Who Listens

Ya Wadud: Love Vessels

Sajda: Prostration

99 Clay Vessels: The Muslim Women Storytelling Project

Solo Art Exhibition, VisArts, Rockville, Maryland

Al Haq: A Vessel to Hold Your Truth

God Is Closer to You Than Your Jugular Vein

Take a Good Look in the Mirror

Alternative 9/11 Memorial

Amulets, Islam, and Memory: Channeling Power in Times of Great Need


Functional pottery